Print ISSN: 0972-7752 | Online ISSN: 2582-0850 |
Let $G = (V(G),E(G))$ be a finite $(p, q)$ graph and let $(A,\ast)$ be a finite non-abelain group with identity element $1$. Let $f : E(G) \rightarrow N_{q}=\{1,2,\ldots,q\}$ and let $g : E(G) \rightarrow A \setminus \{1\}$ be two edge labelings of $G$ such that $f$ is bijective. Using these two labelings $f$ and $g$ we can define another edge labeling
$\ell: E(G) \rightarrow N_{q} \times A\setminus \{1\}$ by $$ \ell(e) := (f(e),g(e)) \ \ \text{for all} \ e \in E(G).$$
Define a relation $\leq$ on the range of $\ell$ by:
$$ (f(e),g(e)) \le (f(e'), g(e')) \ \ \text{if and only if } \ \ f(e)\le f(e').$$ This relation $\le $ is a partial order on the range of $\ell$. Let $$\{(f(e_1), g(e_1)) , (f(e_2), g(e_2)), \ldots, (f(e_k), g(e_k))\}$$ be a chain in the range of $\ell$. We define a product of the elements of this chain as follows:
$$\prod_{i=1}^k(f(e_i), g(e_i)) := ((((g(e_1) \ast g(e_2))\ast g(e_3))\ast \cdots)\ast g(e_k) .$$
Let $u \in V$ and let $N^{*}(u)$ be the set of all edges incident with $u$. Note that the restriction of $\ell$ on ${N^{*}(u)}$ is a chain, say $(f(e_1), g(e_1)) \leq (f(e_2), g(e_2)) \leq \cdots \leq (f(e_n),g(e_n))$. We define
\ell^{*} (u):= \prod_{i=1}^n(f(e_i), g(e_i)).
If $\ell^{*}(u)$ is a constant, say $a$ for all $u \in V(G)$, we say that the graph $G$ is $A$ - magic. The map $\ell^*$ is called an $A$ -magic labeling of $G$ and the corresponding constant $a$ is called the magic constant. In this paper, we consider the permutation group $S_3$
and investigate graphs that are $S_3$-magic.
Keywords and Phrases
A-magic labeling, non-abelian group, symmetric group $S_3$, $S_3$-magic labeling.
A.M.S. subject classification
05C25, 05C78.