Prof. A.M. Mathai Award - 2017 for best publication of the year
A certificate and a cash prize will be awarded to a mathematician (below 35 year of age) working at an Indian University / Institute for his paper published/accepted in the preceding year of the Conference in the areas influenced by Ramanujan which include special functions, number theory, qseries, mock theta functions etc. Applicants for this prize should send one hard copy of the paper and a PDF of the same to Dr. S.N. Singh, Department of Mathematics, TDPG College, Jaunpur-222002 (UP) India ( along with the copy of the acceptance letter if the paper has been accepted but not published by 15th October, 2017. Last date for submitting the paper is 20th October 2017.
The paper to be presented for consideration for prize should be under single authorship. The stress will be given on both qualities of research as well as performance during presentation. The author should not submit more than one publication for this award. The awardee shall have to deliver a lecture based on the text of the paper for which the award has been conferred. The expert may be named by the general secretary of RSMAMS.
The decision of the expert shall be final and not challengeable in court of law. If there is no good paper in a particular year then this award need not be given in that year.