$\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-CLOSED AND $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-OPEN MAPS IN TOPOLOGICAL SPACES
Print ISSN: 0972-7752 | Online ISSN: 2582-0850 | Total Downloads : 255
Author :
S. Subhalakshmi (Department of Mathematics, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore - 641043, Tamil Nadu, INDIA)
N. Balamani (Department of Mathematics, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science & Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore - 641043, Tamil Nadu, INDIA)
In this paper, the aspect of $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-closed maps and $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-open maps are explored using the recently introduced $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-closed sets and $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-open sets in topological spaces. Initially, the standard properties of $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-closure and $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-interior with appropriate examples are studied. Further, characterizations of $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-closed maps and $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-open maps are also investigated.
Keywords and Phrases
$\lambda$-closed set, $\alpha$-closed set, $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-closed set, $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-closed map and $\lambda^{\alpha}_{g}$-open map.
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