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A ρ- labeling (or ρ- valuation) of a graph is an injection from the vertices of the graph with 'q' edges to the set {0,1,2,3,...(2q-1),2q} where if the edge labels induced by the absolute value of the difference of the vertex labels are a1,a2,a3,...,aq-1,aq then ai=i or ai=(2q+1-i). A shell graph, C(n,n-3), is defi ned as a cycle Cn with (n - 3) chords sharing a common endpoint called the apex. In other words, a shell graph is the join of complete graph K1 and Pm, the path with m vertices. A subdivided shell graph is obtained from the shell graph G = Pm ∨ K1 by subdividing the edges in the path Pm of the shell graph. A subdivided shell flower graph is defi ned as a one vertex union of k copies of the subdivided shell graph and k copies of the complete graph K2. In this paper, we prove that subdivided shell ower graphs admit ρ -labeling.

Keywords and Phrases

Shell graph, subdivided shell graph, subdivided shell flower graph, ?- labeling.

A.M.S. subject classification



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