Truncated bilateral hypergeometric summation theorems motivated by the work of Verma
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Author :
M. I. Qureshi (1Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia(A Central University), New Delhi-110025(In)
Kaleem A. Quraishi (2Mathematics Section, Mewat Engineering College (Waqf), Palla, Nuh, Mewat, Haryana-122107(India))
In this paper some results on truncated bilateral hypergeometric series of positive unit argument are obtained by using series rearrangement technique and theory of polynomial equations, subject to certain conditions.
Keywords and Phrases
Pochhammer symbol; Unilateral, bilateral, truncated and non terminating series
A.M.S. subject classification
33- Special Functions, Primary 33C99; Secondary 33C20