Linear Generating Relations and Hypergeometric Transformations
Print ISSN: 2319-1023 | Online ISSN: | Total Downloads : 127
Author :
M.I. Qureshi (Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities Faculty of Engineering and Technology Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University) New Delhi - 110025, In)
Deepak Kumar Kabra* (*Department of Mathematics Govt. College Kota, University of Kota Kota, Rajasthan- 324001, India)
M. S. Baboo** (**Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities Knowledge park - III, Sharda University Gr. Noida, U.P. - 301206, India)
The main object of this paper is to obtain four linear generating relations for generalized Hermite polynomials of Dickinson-Warsi and two hypergeometric transformations for Gauss's ordinary hypergeometric function, using Barr's identity and Carlitz's generating relations.
Keywords and Phrases
Linear generating relations, Generalized (Associated or Sonine) Laguerre polynomials, Generalized Hermite polynomials, Hypergeometric transformations.
A.M.S. subject classification
Primary: 33C45; Secondary: 33C05.