Print ISSN: 2319-1023 | Online ISSN: 2582-5461 | Total Downloads : 115


During these decades, mathematical modeling has become a key domain in science, especially in biomedical sciences. It allows for an experimental and rigorous approach. Thanks to mathematical modeling, the glucose-insulin system could be materialized, which is also theoretical, in order to analyze and interpret it and to predict the results. Many of the mathematical models of the glucose-insulin system have emerged in recent years. In literature, there are models that show the role of physical activity and response of mathematical model to glucose-insulin system dynamics. We propose the mathematical model of ordinary differential equations to investigate simple homeostasis generated by the dynamics of physiological parameters of the glucose-insulin system during physical activity for a healthy subject. Model parameters are estimated using a nonlinear optimization method generally based on inverse problems. The numerical simulations show that the proposed model is adaptable to the data collected in Chad and can be used to test glucose homeostasis for glucose-insulin system.

Keywords and Phrases

Glucose, Insulin, Glucagon, Mathematical model, Homeostasis, Numerical simulation, Chad.

A.M.S. subject classification

034A34, 37M05, 65P40, 65K05


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