On Analytic Submanifolds of Different Kahlerian Spaces
Print ISSN: 0972-7752 | Online ISSN: |
The present paper deals with one of two types of submanifolds, namely analytic of certain Kahlerian spaces. Article 1 has been devoted to fundamental results of Kahlerian space whereas in the article 2, we have noted down the results holding good for analytic submanifolds. The articles 3 and 4 deal with totally geodesic analytic submanifolds of symmetric and recurrent Kahlerian spaces respectively and the paper has been concluded by two meaningful remarks.
Keywords and Phrases
Kahlerian spaces, covariant curvature tensor, Ricci tensor, HP curvature tensor, H conharmonic curvature tensor.
A.M.S. subject classification
53B20, 53C55