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Retraction of "SIEVE METHODS AND THE TWIN PRIME CONJECTURE" from South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 1, April 2024, page 01-20


Mbakiso Fix Mothebe,

Department of Mathematics,

University of Botswana, Pvt Bag 00704, Gaborone, BOTSWANA


Subject: Retraction of "SIEVE METHODS AND THE TWIN PRIME CONJECTURE" from South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 1, April 2024, page 01-20.

Dear Mr. Mothebe,

I am writing to you regarding your paper, "SIEVE METHODS AND THE TWIN PRIME CONJECTURE," published in the South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 1, April 2024, page 01-20.

After careful review, it has come to my attention, and to the attention of numerous members of the international mathematical community, that the paper contains significant flaws that undermine its validity and scientific integrity. Specifically:

  • Methodological Errors: The methods employed in your attempt to prove the Twin Prime Conjecture contain fundamental errors that render the proof invalid. The application of sieve methods, as presented, does not adhere to established mathematical principles and procedures.
  • Lack of Rigorous Proof: The paper fails to provide a rigorous and logically sound mathematical proof, which is essential for any claim regarding a major mathematical conjecture.
  • Quality of Research Results: The results presented in the paper do not meet the standards of quality expected for publication in a reputable mathematical journal. The conclusions drawn are not supported by valid mathematical reasoning.
  • Objections from the International Mathematical Community: The paper has generated considerable concern and objection from mathematicians worldwide due to its methodological flaws and unsubstantiated claims.

Given these serious issues, I respectfully request that you voluntarily retract your paper from the South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. This retraction would be in the best interest of maintaining the integrity of the journal and upholding the standards of mathematical research.

However, it is crucial to address these errors promptly and transparently.

I hope you will consider this request seriously.



S.N. Singh

Principal Editor